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Possible Causes/Treatments

Possible Causes of Infertility

How Windsong Therapy May Help


Pain in any area of the body may make sexual activity difficult, as well as change the chemical balance of the body, making it less capable of reproduction.  Using techniques to alleviate pain and restore function to painful areas of the body can relieve stress and make copulation more pleasant and successful.

Blockage in the tubes or ducts of the male or female reproductive organs

Myofascial binding, scar tissue and adhesions are often responsible for causing blockages or narrowing of the tiny tubes responsible for carrying sperm and eggs.  Specific techniques help to release the binding and break down adhesions to clear the passageways.

Hormonal imbalance and inadequate sperm or egg production

Sperm and eggs are produced in response to chemical cues from the body.  Myofascial restrictions on glands and nerves may distort the chemical and hormonal balances.  Relieving the restrictions and allowing the body to return to normal functioning may also allow the body to return to adequate hormone and chemical levels for reproduction.

Lack of sperm motility or egg integrity

Egg and sperm health depend upon adequate nutrition and a healthy internal environment.  Restrictions and adhesions in the digestive tract may prevent adequate nutrition of the body.  Poor circulation and functioning of organs that detoxify the body may cause a buildup of toxins, which compromise the health of sperm and egg.  By using techniques to improve digestive functioning, circulation, and remove accumulated toxins, egg and sperm health may improve and allow fertilization.

Inability to carry a pregnancy to term

Fascial restrictions and microscopic scarring of the uterus may prevent proper implantation of the fertilized egg or prevent the muscles from being able to properly support the uterus.  Relieving restrictions and allowing muscles and organs to return to their proper positions, balancing the body, and breaking down scar tissue can allow the body to carry a baby to term.


This website last updated on 31 July 2010

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